Writing Tips

Have you ever had a chance to run into your favorite author?  It can be a momentous experience.  And if you're lucky, you can even ask them a question.  So you stand there, palms sweaty, nervous, waiting your turn in the line that never ends.  Until finally, you pull up to the table.  The weary eyes stare back at you.  You are the fiftieth person they've seen this hour, but for you the excitement is too much to bear.  "Do you have any writing tips?" you ask.


The author looks at you.  "Yeah.  Give up now.  I don't need the competition.  Do you want something signed or not?"


Don't worry.  That won't happen to you here.  We've got loads of writing tips, and they're all in the drop-down menu called "Writing Tips" located above.  Because we won't make you wait in line.


Besides, we like the competition.

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